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Eurovision Song Contest – Why I am a fan

As the Eurovision Song Contest has finished about a month ago now, I want to mention the story of why I became a fan of the show which becomes one part of my interest in travel today. It all happened when I was 15 years old. I was switching channels on the front room TV one day and I saw images of musicians performing with country names on the TV screen. I had later identified the images coming from a TV show called the Eurovision Song Contest. I watched the rest of the show and the country who had won at that time was Turkey. Ever since then, things have changed quite a bit thanks to that one moment. In the following year, this was the first time I had saw the contest in full and I had even betted some money on it for the winner. The winner at that time was Ukraine who was a well-deserved winner which was a woman singer who resembled Xena the Warrior Princess. When the contest was over, I started to research on the artists that had participated that year on the internet, eve

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